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Rules > Errata


DU17 Breen CruiserNobody is perfect and so we make mistakes, too. If you find anything wrong with the Game, send a Mail to The TrekWar-Staff. Thank you for your support.

Wrong Card ID

- On the Dominion Card "Blitz" the ID states "DC02". This is wrong. THe right ID is "DC03".
This error will be corrected with the first Booster Pack (1.1) in March 2005.
Thanks to David Schachtler who found this bug.

Wrong Forces

- On the Dominion Card "DC03 Ketracel White" it reads "2 Space" and "1 Surface". It was intended to make it "1 Space" and "2 Surface".
This error will be corrected with the first Booster Pack (1.1) in March 2005. Until then use the Card as it is in order to prevent confusion.